@KTzone » 優惠 - 美容化妝 » Innisfree: 金鐘新店開張 - 全線分店慶祝活動

2014-3-6 18:29 sinta
Innisfree: 金鐘新店開張 - 全線分店慶祝活動

Innisfree分店! 先LIKE Innisfree Facebook,再到訪任何一間分店,Fans即可免費獲取皇牌綠茶試用包及李敏鎬海報乙張! 購物將可額外獲贈綠茶試用套裝乙份! 每人限取乙份,數量有限,送完即止。

銅鑼灣 恩平道 52號A 地下
旺角 西洋菜南街 2A-2H 銀城廣場 G7 店 地下
尖沙咀 海港城 海運大廈 FACESSS Shop202
金鐘 金鐘廊 1樓 Lab Concept

To celebrate Innisfree new shop opening, the promotion offers will be extended to all Innisfree shops!

For Innisfree Facebook Fans, come and visit us to get the FREE samples of Green Tea products and Lee Min Ho poster. You can also get the Green Tea Deluxe Kit upon any purchase in our shops. One set of gifts for each customer. Limited quota and available while stocks last.

Causeway Bay - Shop A, G/F, 52 Yun Ping Road
Mong Kok - Shop G7, G/F Ginza Plaza, 2A-2H, Sai Yeung Choi Street South
Tsim Sha Tsui - Shop 202, FACESSS, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City
Admiralty - Lab Concept, 1/F Queensway Plaza, 93 Queensway


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