2010-4-6 14:40
亂倫女王kay parker大合集
[AVI/50.21GB]亂倫女王kay parker大合集﹗亂倫女王kay parker(歐美)Kay Parker Filmography (1977年-1991年大合集) + Bonus
Kay Parker是我很喜愛的一位70年代末80年代初的一位成人影星,就是主演過亂倫TABOO系列幾集出名的雖長相一般但其身材絕對是極品(非人工製造)。喜歡歐美老片帶毛,可能看慣小日本帶毛的看歐美光溜溜不爽﹗還有就是歐美現下片假奶太多且賊大看多了想吐﹗
【影片名稱】:亂倫女王kay parker大合集(歐美)Kay Parker Filmography (1977年-1991年大合集) + Bonus
【影片大小】:50.21GB [b][color=red]可分開下載 [/color][/b]
【下載軟件】:推薦BitComet 0.70
出生日期︰ 1944年8月28日( 1944年8月28日) ( 63歲)
測量︰ 38dd - 24 - 36
身高︰ 5英尺6月在( 1.68米)
別名(中文) ︰Jill Jackson, Kay Taylor Parker
Dick Ho: Asian Male Porn Star ------- (2006)
Merchants of Venus ------- (1998)
Desert Winds ------- (1995)
The Bigger the Better 2 ------- (1994)
Taboo XI ------- (1993)
True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Golden Age ------- (1992)
Taboo IX ------- (1991)
Fixation ------- (1991)
Stairway to Paradise ------- (1990)
Only the Best 3 ------- (1990)
Firestorm 3 ------- (1989)
Fire in the Hole ------- (1989)
Only the Best of Women with Women ------- (1988)
Only the Best of Breasts ------- (1988)
Bra Breakers Vol. 1 ------- (1988)
Tales from the Chateau ------- (1987)
Legends of Porn ------- (1987)
Firestorm 2: The Angel Blade ------- (1987)
Careful, He May Be Watching ------- (1987)
Three Faces of Angel ------- (1986)
Sweethearts ------- (1986)
Fantasies ------- (1986)
Balboa ------- (1986)
Hot Blooded ------- (1985)
Free and Foxy ------- (1985)
First Annual XRCO Adult Film Awards ------- (1985)
With Love, Annette ------- (1985)
Taboo IV: The Younger Generation ------- (1985)
Nice 'n' Tight ------- (1985)
Intimate Realities 2 ------- (1984)
I Want to Be Bad ------- (1984)
Too Hot to Touch ------- (1984)
Firestorm ------- (1984)
Taboo III ------- (1984)
Desire ------- (1984)
Sex Play ------- (1984)
Matinee Idol ------- (1984)
Lorelei ------- (1984)
L'Amour ------- (1984)
Erotic Radio WSEX ------- (1983)
Tomboy ------- (1983)
Sweet Young Foxes ------- (1983)
Private Teacher ------- (1983)
Nasty Nurses ------- (1983)
欲火奔騰欲火紅 The Young Like It Hot ------- (1983)
Fantasy Follies ------- (1983)
Intimate Lessons ------- (1982)
Body Talk ------- (1982)
春城花滿天 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas ------- (1982)
Satisfactions ------- (1982)
Memphis Cathouse Blues ------- (1982)
Taboo II ------- (1982)
Vista Valley P.T.A. ------- (1981)
The Seven Seductions of Madame Lau ------- (1981)
Fast Cars, Fast Women ------- (1981)
The Dancers ------- (1981)
Champagne for Breakfast ------- (1980)
Taboo ------- (1980)
Downstairs, Upstairs ------- (1980)
Kate and the Indians ------- (1979)
Dracula Sucks ------- (1979)
Chorus Call ------- (1979)
The Untamed ------- (1978)
Health Spa ------- (1978)
Casanova ------- (1977)
V: The Hot One ------- (1977)
Sex World ------- (1977)